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inis fail

Author & illustrator: Michaël Lê & Helene Let
Publisher: Aleph editions​
Audience: 8 years +​
May 25, 2019


The history of mythical Ireland transmitted, as in the Celtic oral tradition, by a bard of paper and colors.

First of a serie inspired by the book of the conquests of Ireland, the Lebor Gabala Erenn, this album retraces the epic fight of the people of Dana against the Fomores, through the voice of the druid Fintan, mixing cunning, courage, magic, marvelous talismans and colorful illustrations.

A legendary gesture!

♥ BNF (National French Library)


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Reader reviews

"Les dessins de @helene.let sont somptueux et leurs couleurs chatoyantes. Un magnifique décliné de verts et de bleus accompagne ce récit sur cette belle "Ile verte". Charmée de bout en bout, ça ne me déplairait d'ailleurs pas que soient commercialisées des illustrations des différents albums de la collection"

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